
Referred Publications

  1. Williamson, Sara, Lama Lteif, and Ana Valenzuela (2022) “Sharing is not always caring: How sharing labels encourage personal consumption as a response to the threat of others,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, forthcoming. (download PDF)
  2. Rhonda Hadi, Ana Valenzuela (2020) “Good Vibrations: Consumer Responses to Technology-Mediated Haptic Feedback,” Journal of Consumer Research, forthcoming, ucz039. (download PDF)
  3. Valenzuela, Ana, Bonezzi, Andrea and Szabó-Douat, Teodora (2018) “What Goes Around, Comes Around: How Beliefs in Karma Influence the Use of Word of Mouth for Self-Enhancement,” Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 3(4), 490-502. (download pdf)
  4. Wongkitrungrueng, Apiradee, Valenzuela, Ana and Sen, Sankar (2018) “The Ice Cream Looks Yummy on the Shelf up There: The Interactive Effect of Retail Shelf Position and Consumers’ Personal Sense of Power on Indulgent Choice,” Journal of Retailing, 94(3), 280-295. (download pdf)
  5. Hildebrand, Diogo, DeMotta, Yoshiko, Sen, Sankar and Valenzuela, Ana (2017) “Consumer Responses to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Contribution Type.“ Journal of Consumer Research, 44(4), 738–758. (download PDF)
  6. Valenzuela, Ana and Raghubir, Priya (2015) “Are Top-Bottom Inferences Conscious and Left-Right Inferences Automatic? Implications for Shelf Space Positions, ” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 21(3), 224-241.
    (download PDF)
  7. Rhonda, Hadi and Valenzuela, Ana (2014) “A meaningful embrace: Contingent effects of embodied cues of affection, ” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 24(4), 520-532. (download PDF)
  8. Valenzuela, Ana, Briley, Donnel and Darke, Peter (2014) “Cultural Identity and the Antecedents of Risk Taking: Am I Good or am I Lucky?” in B. Schmitt and L. Lee (eds.) The Psychology of the Asian Consumer, Routledge, New York, United States, 47-50. (download PDF)
  9. Valenzuela, Ana, Raghubir, Priya and Mitakakis, Chrissy (2013) “Shelf space schemas: Myth or reality?” Journal of Business Research, 66(7), 881-888. (download PDF)
  10. Valenzuela, Ana and Srivastava, Joydeep (2012) “Role of Information Asymmetry and Situational Salience in Reducing Intergroup Bias: The Case of Ultimatum Games, ” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38(12), 1671–1683.
    (download PDF)
  11. Valenzuela, Ana, Mellers, Barbara and Strebel, Judy (2010) “Pleasurable Surprises: A Cross-Cultural Study of Consumer Responses to Unexpected Incentives, ” Journal of Consumer Research, 36(5), 792-805.
    (download PDF)
  12. Raghubir, Priya and Valenzuela, Ana (2010) “Male-Female Dynamics in Groups: A Field Study of “The Weakest Link”, ” Small Group Research, 41(1), 41-70. (download PDF)
  13. Valenzuela, Ana, Dhar, Ravi and Zettlemeyer, Florian (2009) “Contingent Response to Self-Customization Procedures: Implications for Decision Satisfaction and Choice, ” Journal of Marketing Research, 46(6), 754-763. (download PDF)
  14. Valenzuela, Ana and Raghubir Priya (2009) “Position-based Beliefs: The Center-Stage Effect, ” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 19(2), 185-196. (download PDF)
  15. Valenzuela Ana and Priya Raghubir (2007) “The Role of Strategy in Mixed-Gender Group Interactions: A Study of the Television Show ‘The Weakest Link’, ” Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 57 (3-4), 293-303. (download PDF)
  16. Priya Raghubir and Valenzuela, Ana (2006) “Center of Inattention: Position Biases in Decision-Making, ” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 99(1), 66-80. (download PDF)
  17. Erdem, Tulin, Swait, Joffre and Valenzuela, Ana (2006) “Brands as Signals: A Cross-Country Validation Study, ” Journal of Marketing, 41(1), 86-100. (download PDF)
  18. Gomez, Monica and Valenzuela, Ana (2005) “Export Marketing Strategies for High Performance: Evidence from Spanish Exporting Companies, ” Journal of Euro-Marketing, 15(1), 5-28. (download PDF)
  19. Valenzuela, Ana, Srivastava, Joydeep and Lee, Seonsu (2005) “The Role of Cultural Orientation in Bargaining under Incomplete Information: Differences in Causal Attributions, ” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 96 (1), 72-88. (download PDF)
  20. Lado, Nora, Martínez-Ros, Ester and Valenzuela, Ana (2004) “Marketing Strategy as an explanatory variable of market selection: A simultaneous modeling approach, ” International Marketing Review, 21(6), 573 – 597. (download PDF)
  21. Erdem, Tulin, Zhao, Ying and Valenzuela, Ana (2004) “Performance of Store Brands: A Cross-Country Analysis of Consumer Store Brand Preferences, Perceptions and Risk, ” Journal of Marketing Research, 41(1), 86-115. (download PDF)

Other Publications

  1. Valenzuela, Ana and Gomez, Monica (2000) “Organizational Capabilities in International Markets: A cross- functional study, ” Encuentros Multidisciplinares (Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies), 2(3), 49-59.
  2. Valenzuela, Ana (2000) “Defining a Capability Based Model of Company Internationalization, ” Cuadernos de Economia y Direccion de la Empresa (Journal of Economics and Business Management), 5(1), 91-109.
  3. Gomez Monica and Valenzuela, Ana (1997) “Marketing-Mix Strategic Components of Successful Service Companies” (1997), ESIC-MARKET, 97(3), 173-195.

Manuscripts Under Review

  1. Williamson, Sara, Lteif, Lama and Valenzuela Ana “To Share is Human: How Sharing Labels Encourage Personal Consumption.” Under review at Journal of Consumer Psychology.
  2. Hosseini, Rahil, Galli, Maria and Valenzuela, Ana “The Persuasive Power of Online Social Presence.” Under review at Journal of Marketing.
  3. Hadi, Rhonda, Valenzuela, Ana, Sridhar, Karthik and Groth, O. H. “A Tactile Toolbox: Documenting Consumer Responses to Haptically-Augmented Mobile Communications.” Under review at Journal of Consumer Research.

Manuscripts in Preparation and Working Papers

  1. Meng, Yan and Valenzuela, Ana “Luck and the Endowment Effect: A context for application of the “possession-self link.”
  2. Erdem, Tulin, Swait, Joffre and Valenzuela, Ana “Cross-cultural Study of the Antecedents of Brand Credibility.”
  3. Valenzuela, Ana, Bertini, Marco and Pirc, Mitja “Boosting Promotional Effectiveness with Thoughtful Product Displays.”
  4. Gould, Stephen, Valenzuela, Ana, Holowczak, Richard and Kachersky, Luke “A Behavioral Finance Study of Real-time Simulated Stock Market Trading.”
  5. Valenzuela, Ana, Gomez Monica and Coelho, Rita “Buying the Right Thing: Smart Shopper Identity as a Determinant of Brand Choice.”